Saturday 4 June 2011

The Nanny VS JPJ test...

i dunno why sometimes kita mengharapkan agar orang sekeliling memahami ape yang kita rasa,but frequently sebenar jarang orang dapat memahami perasaan@isi hati yang kita nak cuba sampaikan..As i already told my deary blog masa awal2 cuti hari tu..i dah dipaksa rela tuk jd "the nanny" for my eldest sister kat damansara..At 1st, memang aku x setuju..i always argue to my family why i am supposedly have to fulfill other people wants rather than myself. But at last, aku setuju jugak untuk jd "the nanny" sementara untuk cuti kali nie..So,sepanjang cuti sekolah 2mgu aku bercadang untuk duduk jhr dlu,sementara my sis cuti sekolah kn..then kesempatan tu,aku gunakan untuk sambung balik LEsen L aku yang ter'gantung' dari sem lepas.

yang jadi masalahnya sekarang, coincidently i got my JPJ test on 20th JUne and the school holiday will be end on 12th once, aku rasa lega..i wish, my sis akan pertimbangkan yang aku xdapat nak tolong jaga her baby for this month..BUt, suddenly, dia just ignore je and arbitrarily decided to me that i have to back to damansara 1st on 10th june..Then,on 19th i come back to beepee for my JPJ test and back to damansara on 20th june after the test..What kind of consideration is that??..i dunno why its really disappointed me..i thought she will accept my excuses for my driving training before the JPJ test..but,why i get is she assume me have already full knowledge on driving and would be confidently pass my test for getting the 'P' license..Somehow, i feel like i have really lost my own right to choose. why do i have to fulfill other people needs but at the same time, the thing that are really important for my self i have to put aside..This are unfair for me..

i know, as a good relationship among sibling or family member, aku x sepatutnya "berkira" dengan akak aku sendiri..Tapi, kadang2 kita perlu pentingkan diri sendiri demi kepentingan kita..isnt it?..hurm,Aku betul2 keliru sekarang..Aku tak tau macam mana nak jaga hati "Akak" sendiri,tp at the same time, aku kena fikirkan test JPJ on 20thJune yang aku masih x "pro" lg...yang mana satu aku nak kena pilih...Nak bagitahu akak x sampai things is, does she think the same thing on my mind..Arggghhh,aku keliru...Aku benci perkara macam nie...Pleaseeee lahh..hurmmm...

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